Help Children in Gaza

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Children in Gaza are living in fear

Thousands of Gazan children are living through a never-before-seen crisis. Many have witnessed family members and friends injured or killed. They’ve been forced to flee the safety of their homes and take refuge in schools or tents. Without dependable access to food, water, sanitation, and medical supplies, many are at risk of serious illness and death. The terror of living under daily airstrikes will leave profound and lasting psychological scars.

Children need our help. Your donation can help us respond.

Right To Play has been protecting, educating, and empowering children in Gaza since 2009. We are gravely concerned about the impact of this crisis on children's health and well-being and on their learning. Our team is working with local partners to monitor the situation, assess children’s needs, and prepare a response.

While our programming remains paused, with the support of our donors, we have provided 1,000 psychosocial support and hygiene kits to children and their families in central Gaza. With hygiene supplies and play items like colouring books, crayons, and games, the kits are helping children cope with trauma. In the West Bank, we delivered 1,100 kits containing learning and play materials to children in five schools. With winter conditions now affecting hundreds of thousands of families living in tents, we will distribute winterization kits to help children stay warm in harsh conditions. We are committed to working with other NGOs and local partners to assess and respond to children’s needs as they evolve.

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Children in Gaza need your help

More than 50% of Gaza’s 2.2 million residents are children. Even before this crisis began, they faced numerous serious challenges – poverty, the trauma of displacement, and learning loss due to school closures and teacher strikes. Now, limited humanitarian assistance can’t keep up with the immense needs of civilians. With over 75% of schools in Gaza damaged in the war, children remain cut off from the safe space classrooms provide and denied their right to learn. The daily psychological and physical impacts of hostilities will have lasting consequences on many children's mental and physical health.

Donate to make a difference for children.

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For more than 20 years, Right To Play has been helping children access the psychosocial support they need to cope with fear and trauma, and the inclusive, interactive, and supportive education they need to learn, develop, and thrive.

Donations to the Children's Emergency Fund help ensure children receive play-based psychosocial support that helps them process trauma and reconnect to hope. Your donation can also provide educational kits, opportunities to keep learning outside the classroom, and access to safe classrooms and supportive teachers when the crisis is over. Donations to the Children’s Emergency Fund will allow Right To Play to respond wherever the need is greatest, including Gaza, the West Bank, and neighbouring countries affected by the crisis.

Photo credit: Top photo by MOHAMMED ZAANOUN/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images